Our vision is to create a more beautiful world by awakening men to harness their infinite inner power and become conscious creators of change in the world.

We believe every man is an influencer.


Our mission is to empower men to create expansive change in their lives by embracing challenge, unlocking potential, embodying integrity and calling in abundance which will help them impact and elevate the world around them.



An Extremely Conscious Man is the creator of his reality. He is the master of his mind, body & spirit. He is the resistance to the chaos of life. He is the calm in the storm. He is the author of his story.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl

An Extremely Conscious Man is COMMITTED to constant growth. If he is not growing, he is dying. He knows that if he is to fulfill his potential, he must challenge his beliefs, seek discomfort and embrace the pain.

It’s never too late to be what you might have been
George Eliot

An Extremely Conscious Man is true to his word. He leads with action. He holds himself accountable and calls others up around him with his way of being. He is kind to himself. He is an example of the change he desires to see in the world.

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
C.S. Lewis

An Extremely Conscious Man shows up regardless of how he’s feeling, to honor his word to himself and others. He leads by example. He is open to receiving. He trusts his intuition. He is humble. He is strong. He is kind.

Mastering others is strength; mastering oneself is true power
Lao Tsu

An Extremely Conscious Man fills his cup first so he can give fully to others. He impacts everyone he interacts with. He knows that in order to create the change he desires to see in the world, he must fully love and honor himself first.

The best contribution one can make to humanity is to improve oneself.
Frank Herbert

An Extremely Conscious Man aims for that which is the highest. He is committed to living the adventure of his life. He is grounded in the WHY behind his existence and his purpose guides how he chooses to show up every day. He is driven to fulfill his potential.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

An Extremely Conscious Man is honest and accepting of his faults and willing to surrender to his authentic truth. His actions align with who he is committed to becoming. His character is measured by how he shows up when no one is looking.

Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.
Eckhart Tolle

An Extremely Conscious Man is aware that operating as a “lone wolf” does not make him strong…it makes him weak. He is open to receiving and is willing to support his brothers without them asking. He finds strength in the pack.

We can go fast alone, but we can go farther together.
African Proverb

An Extremely Conscious Man is driven to curiously explore and expand his boundaries of possibility. His connection with nature is a grounding back to the ways of his ancestors. He is completely present in play, flow and expansive creativity when he faces his fears.

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.
T.E. Lawrence

An Extremely Conscious Man surrenders to “what is” in his life. He is thankful for every experience (past, present and future) and he embraces his pain as it becomes his purpose. He is always exactly where he is supposed to be. And so it is!

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain
Vivian Green

The First Step Is Up To You…

Are You Ready To Turn Your Good “Intentions”
Into Real, Lasting CHANGE In Your Life?

The Better Man Community is a free, PRIVATE Facebook group for men that are committed to
becoming a “better” version of themselves so they can actualize their full potential,
live their best life and truly “have it all”.

This community exists to provide a space for you to connect with like-minded men on a similar life journey, facilitate real meaningful conversations and create deep connection with other men that are seeking evolution and growth in all areas of life. (Business, Relationships, Physical & Spiritual)

Join Us inside the
Better Man community



As fathers to 2 young boys each, Mike & Trevor know that they are modelling what it means to “be a man” in today’s world. They are committed to constantly evolving their mind, body and spirit to create a more beautiful world that they want to live in and leave for their kids. When they first met, they were seeking “higher vibe” conversations. Real conversations that would help them accelerate their expansion beyond what they could accomplish on their own.

Together, they created a friendship that fueled their desire to connect with like-minded men who take personal responsibility for how they show up in this world. The Extremely Conscious Man Movement was built because they craved it. And, now they are inviting YOU to discover what they’ve learned (mostly through pain and making a LOT of mistakes 🙂 to become the man you are truly meant to be.

the simple guide to extreme change

The Guide

Tired of “talking” about the life you want to live? Ready to do something about it? The “change” you desire is available to you RIGHT NOW! Everything you need to get started is in this free 59 page guide.

Extremely Conscious

The Circle

An online private space for committed men to create extreme change in their lives, actualize their full potential & lead by example! Upgrade your friend circle and commit to your growth today!

Extremely Conscious

The Accelerator

90 Days To Extreme Change! The Evolving Man Accelerator is an experiential investment circle for men committed to becoming wealthy in all areas of life! This is for men ready to go deep and evolve!

Extremely Conscious

The Experience

There is something magical that happens when you connect in person with a group of men committed to actualizing their full potential and living their best life.  THE EXPERIENCE will change your life!



Watch now

Are You An Extremely Conscious Dad?

What You Measure You Can Improve

This thing we call life is a “game” that is meant to be PLAYED WITH PASSION and you are the hero of the story. There are 12 pillars of wealth that define how “rich” a man is.  And, there is always room for growth! Take The Extremely Conscious Man Life Quiz to discover where you are excelling (or failing) in how you show up every single day and how you can become a man of integrity that leads by example and truly “has it all” in life!